Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Don't Sh*t Your Pants, Walkthrough

Don't Sh*t your Pants, Walkthrough

Let's not go into too much detail about this game, let's just say he's got to go!

Award 1:
Thinking (and sh*tting) inside the box
Description: Congratulations, all that potty training finally paid off
Awarded by: Successfully go to the bathroom
+ Fart lightly (Optional)
+ Pull door
+ Remove pants
+ Go to bathroom
+ Sh*t (Full word is necessary)

Award 2:
Mr. Efficient
Description: It's not his fault that door was hard to open
Awarded by: Sh*tting in the hall
+ Remove pants
+ Sh*t (Full word is necessary)

Award 3:
Sh*tting 101
Description: Sometimes even zero effort is rewarded
Awarded by: Forget the bathroom and go!
+ Sh*t (Full word is necessary)

Award 4:
So close yet so far...
Description: Pants. They get you every time
Awarded by: Sh*t in your pants, on the toilet
+ Pull door
+ Go into bathroom
+ Sh*t (Full word is necessary)

Award 5:
Description: Giving up is never the answer. Or is it?
Awarded by: Killing yourself
+ Kill

Award 6:
Holding off the inevitable
Description: How convenient you had those pills...
Awarded by: Taking the pills, and survive
+ Take pills
+ Lightly fart

Award 7:
The inevitable...
Description: ...To not poop for an extra five seconds
Awarded by: Take the pills, and lose!
+ Take pills
+ Lightly fart

Award 8:
Sh*tting at the starting gun
Description: You sh*t before the game began
Awarded by: Sh*t before starting the game
+ At the menu, Sh*t. (Full word is necessary)

Award 9:
Slow typer
Description: If only you had a little more time... and a higher IQ
Awarded by: Do nothing
+Do absolutely nothing

Award 10:
You are the Sh*t King!
Description: And you have a crown to prove it.
Awarded by: Obtain all other awards
+ Obtain all awards

1 comment:

  1. This was very helpful.
    Thankyou do much.
    My name is Matt Thompson.
    I love you now.
