Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Frantic 2: Review!

''A Meteor Attack in Frantic 2''

Frantic 2: Review!

Frantic 2. Never heard of it? Heard of Frantic, now your starting to remember! Frantic 2, the sequel is going to coming out, the release day has not yet been set though. Frantic for me was unforgettable! Every little detail was amazing, especially the boss battles! Frantic 2 as you can see, (if you remember Frantic) has been greatly approved a upon.

It's hard to make a review for a game that I have not yet played, but guessing how good Frantic was I will assume that this one is going to be even better! (I'm really setting high expectations for this game aren't I? ) Anyways Frantic 2 is going to be a must play! I'm guessing it's going to at least be in the top 50 games on Kongregate!

Moving onto a bit more about the game! In Frantic 2 there is going to be ''Stats and Feats''. This will track all sort of things such as kills, collecting money, possibly, and reward you with new ships, weapons, more slots for weapons and much, much more! You may even just unlock a new game mode to try out, such as ''Survival''. Seems like a lot, but I'm guessing Polymerrabbit has more up his sleeve.

This game seems to have it all, even ''Arcade'' mode! In ''Arcade mode you don't even have to look at the shop. ''Arcade'' buys everything automatically for you. I'm not totally positive how it goes, but it could be a disaster if you have no idea what your buying! Anyways I assume, that if you don't have a shop you blast your way though this game, never stopping! Sounds exciting doesn't it!

O.k now we are going onto one of the most classic modes ever! ''Bosses'' mode! As you may have already guessed, you must fight ever boss in a row! Considering there is about 45 of them, your in for a long sitting. Just like ''Arcade'' mode you will get automatic upgrades, or possibly you will be awarded new weapons, with each coming level. Anyways this sound like another exciting mode that will have you addicted forever. (Both ''Arcade'' and ''Bosses'' will be available once you start playing the game!)

Survival...Just read about it, and it sounds crazy! Just crazy, you'll be in the fight of your life! O.k in ''Survival'' you must go through a totally normal level, oh wait did I say normal, I meant a level where enemies drop gold, and just drop gold, past your wildest fantasies! (Now your wondering what this has to do with survival, aren't you? Your thinking that I'm writing about something else, but then again if your not wondering that then I sound dumb, so just pretend you are, o.k!). Now with all that money, you go to the shop, spend it all and then you enter a deathmatch you simply cannot win! Just Survive as long as you can!

O.k now one of the last modes here is ''Endurance''! You may think you've played an endurance game before, but how about an hour long one? Yeah that's right play an hour full of insane bullet- dodging fun! You must play though EVERY level in Frantic 2! So you get the endurance and everything right? Now let me tell you a little bit how the levels are split up! There is 3 episodes in Frantic 2 each being 5 levels long, so ''Endurance mode is 15 levels long, being 3 episodes. Each episode in Endurance mode gets harder:
Episode 1: Easy
Episode 2: Medium
Episode 3: Hard

Well, here are a few screenshots from Polymerrabbit's blog:

(Note: Keep in mind a lot of this stuff isn't from the final game, its still being made, and there are just a few random enemies on screen. And the bullet patterns are just little tests.

''It seems those trusty lasers in Frantic have turned on you!''

As you might be able to tell, the enemy in the center of the Screenshot, fires lasers at you. The ''Laser'' enemy can rotate making it even harder to dodge! I have not played the game yet but I'm guessing that you can easily destroy the ''Laser''

The next thing the screenshot shows in the ''Rocket'' enemy. As you can guess this enemy fires rockets, but not just any ordinary rockets, there homing! These rockets will continue to fallow you for a few seconds, until they ''deactivate''. I've always wanted this in a game like Frantic. Homing Rockets always seems to add a little more fun to the game!

'These two enemies are really going to add a lot to the game. It seems the more special attacking enemies you have the better the game is. In Frantic 2 there is going to be 7 different special enemies.

''The game keeps getting better doesn't it?''

This attack is called the ''Rocket Bomb''. (Note that this isn't the full thing, considering most of the enemies are already dead). This attack will hit every enemy on the screen! Pretty fun to watch, right, but even more fun to watch when the screen is full of enemies! Man, I can't wait to try that one out! This attack will literally do all the work for you, considering they are homing! So your returning the favor, aren't you? They toss a few measly Rockets at you and then you toss a fleet back at them!

Just another thing I want to add about this ''Bomb Attack''. Look at the artwork put into it. The smoke effect, the fade effect and you can forget the overly large explosion that comes afterwards!

All of these video walkthroughs were created by: Friz
(Or visit Friz on Youtube).
Note: These are only a few walkthroughs, just so that you can see the game and stuff!


  1. I can't understand what you're saying. Learn English, please.

  2. Wow 2 billion score!!!!!!!

  3. The last boss looks like a spider to me!
